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Thanksgiving Weekly

6.11.14 / ,

This year I'm adopting the American tradition of Thansgiving. I love the idea of this holiday and I especially love any holiday that results in a table filled with amazing food, wine, and friends. 

This year I'm really felling the need to count my blessings much more than I've done in the past as it's been so revealing and challenging for me. I have many things to be thankful for, one of which is that this particularly trying year is coming to an end and that I've survived it, but also for many joys and lessons I've learnt that I'll keep with me. 

We all feel like this as the year starts to wind down. We start to think about how we've spent our time or which goals we've reached, and then the inevitable new years resolution planning starts to make sure we do better in the next year.
If you think about it, there's less than 2 months until the end of the year and so if you haven't started planning, checking online for gifts, or looking into holiday plans, you may find that the year-end may catch you by surprise. 
 Before the year ends without me even taking account of what has happened and another one begins, I want to make sure I take time to think about what I'm thankful for.

I will admit, quite proudly, that my 'be thankful' initiative is not purely a reflective one. I love the holidays, and I'm a real sucker for them too. As soon as I saw Woolies and Game had their Christmas decorations out (early in October) I was feeling it. And yes, I know I've bought into consumerism and been targeted by marketing displays. I'm guilty of it and I don't mind. 
I'll take any excuse to get caught up in all the festivities.

So, each week until the actual Thanksgiving holiday, which is the 27th November, I'm going to remember, savor and share what I'm most grateful for.
Perhaps I'll even commemorate the day with a thanksgiving dinner... I do love a dinner party!

I can't think of any better way to usher in the end of this year and get ready for all the exciting changes that are coming up!

So, that's 4 weeks until Thanksgiving, 4 things to be thankful for, and just under 3 weeks to plan my feast.
Let the festivities begin!



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